I didn't get psoriasis until I was 44 years old. I woke up one morning and had all these red spots all over my legs. I had no idea what was going on with me. Allergies? Allergic reaction to something? I just didn't know. A few days later my red spots started turning into white scaly patches, that itched like nobody's business. I kept thinking it was allergies or an allergic reaction to something, and figured it would go away. but it didn't, and I couldn't stand it anymore.
So, I made an appointment with my Dr. she said it was probably psoriasis and referred me to a dermatologist, who confirmed, that it was indeed Psoriasis. I was then given a topical ointment and told that it wasn't a cure but it would help with the plaque buildup and the itching.
I tried the ointment for a month, it really didn't do a whole lot of what the Dr. claimed it would do, so I went back to the dermatologist and he replaced the ointment with a cream that I had to apply twice a day. The cream helped ease the itching but did nothing for the plaque buildup.
I tried the light therapy, which had no results at all. I tried the Epsom salt baths. it worked well for softening up the plaques, so you could scrape them off. but they would always return a few lays later, and they seemed to be worse. I tried just about everything there was to try, but nothing seemed to work for me.
As time went on the scaly white patches grew bigger and bigger and got itchier and itchier. I could no longer wear my shorts or bathing suits in the summer because I was embarrassed by psoriasis, it looked and felt horrible. I thought for sure that one day my legs would be totally consumed by the big ugly white scaly patches.
Then one day a friend of mine, who also suffers from psoriasis told me about a product called… psoriasis free for life.
I could clearly see that it had helped her tremendously, so I ordered my own. It was the best decision I had ever made, it has truly made a difference in my life. I can now wear my shorts and bathing suit again without being embarrassed.
If your tired of being embarrassed by psoriasis then please, click the link below now
Psoriasis could be from chronic autoimmune conditions or genetic inheritance. The rapid overproduction of skin cells on joints like elbows and knees can spread to the hands, feet, neck, scalp, and face. Genetics can be important to influence krema za psorijazu in the offspring but the percentage is meager. We also note that in case of an autoimmune problem, skin cells are harmed by white blood cells to fast track the production of skin cells so this cell collection causes plaque formation making the skin red and inflamed. There are different therapies today that handle psoriasis but most of them have shortcomings and could not offer 100% treatment. We can bifurcate treatments into these types i.e. topical, systemic, light therapy and Ayurveda.
Topical psoriasis treatment offer resistance to psoriasis externally but application of creams and nonsteroidal ointments and can effectively cut down eczema and dermatitis. This method can control mild skin conditions only. Moisturizers, salicylic acid and scale lifters also help relieve this ailment. Coal tar can also slow the growth of skin cells and make your skin look better.
The shampoo helps treat scalp psoriasis. Antibacterial agents like calcipotriol do make it better but excessive use of this ointment can cause burning, itching or redness of the skin. Even topicals like corticosteroids, anthralin, retinoids and salicylic acid work as controlled moisturizers but these drugs do have severe side effects so only short-term courses are prescribed.
Where medications like methotrexate could damage the liver, cyclosporine may harm the immune system leading to various kidney and blood pressure ailments. Light therapy is also a process where ultraviolet (UV) light kills the excessive white blood cells to stop them from pilling up. Moderate psoriasis can be controlled by this therapy. But it could be a life long process.