Java Language Is Different From Other Scheduling Languages, How?

Java is one of the most pop nomenclature among the developers to educate the web applications, customised package and web portals, including E Department of Commerce and M Department of Commerce envision.

Every terminology has some strength and weakness.As a developer, ii is earthshaking to equate Java with other programing languages so that you will be able to choose the proper language for a particular see.

1. Java v s Python:

(i) It is not a pure physical object- homeward-bound language where as Python is a to the full object homeward high- rase nomenclature.

(ii) It is low- take down carrying out terminology on the other hand Python is a scripting terminology.

(iii) Python programs take time to run than Java programs,that makes it a prosperous choice for enterprise rase visualize.Java has rich library subscribe for some of the use cases than Python

2.Java v s C:

Java was traced from the C. But there are so many differences as the objectives for both languages are different.

(i) C is created mainly for system of rules programing.It is extending the C nomenclature,whereas it is studied to subscribe network computing.

(ii) When you liken the libraries of Java and C languages, you will know that it has a mighty -platform library. whereas,C library is simple which is providing containers and arrays.

(iii) The other profound difference is- in Java scraps appeal happens mechanically but there is no automatic garbage ingathering in C; all objects must be distant manually through the code.

There may be high chances of a computer programmer leave to remove the objects. Because of that size and retentivity of the software system will be raised, So cost of the software system will be magnified.

3. Java v s C

If you consider the surety or performance then both languages are same.

(i) It is a weapons platform fencesitter terminology.It is based on six-fold operating system of rules than C without recompiling code.C is not platform- fencesitter for example it runs on Mac OS-X and Windows OS but it does not run on Linux platform.

(ii) C is proper for the Windows or Windows phone practical application whereas Java is better for the Android call up practical application.

4. Java v s Ruby

Java and ruby both are the physical object headed supported languages and are strongly typed.

The remainder is that in the method while execution the code Java code is first translated into simple machine code which runs faster than Ruby 39;s taken code.

In short

-It is an jussive mood terminology like C, Ada, C, Pascal

  • It is understood like LISP, AP

-It is food waste-collected like LISP, Eiffel, Modula-3

-It can be compiled like LISP

-It is physical object-oriented like C, Ada, Eiffel

-It is a thriving loan-blend for a particular-application domain, a commonsensible superior general-purpose nomenclature for non-real-time applications


It is a low take down terminology to sympathize the basics by implementing the algorithms in the simplest form and at the same time high dismantle enough to go through any task expeditiously.

The choice of the nomenclature is calculate on the needs and requirement of the application.

It is easily elastic and subsidiary language for all types of nomenclature. Hence for qualification the bright career learn deneme bonusu .

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